As a mutual animal lover, I would like to share my story
I am sure my passion for animals is from my mom, Sandee Slade. She always had a heart for animals. As a kid my mom always had a bowl of food and water, and a box with blankets in it for the stray neighborhood cat. While I was in 4-H she helped with training/showing our collie, Lady. She always stood by me, from when I brought home animals in need of saving to opening my own pet business.
Throughout the years we lost members of our family (fur babies) with our last words being "see you at rainbow bridge". This is a poem about pets dying and waiting for their owners
I found out my mom was diagnosed with liver cancer on Mothers Day 2021. Life expectancy was 6 months. She was a trooper and fought a long, hard, exhausting fight. On August 26, 2022 she was still fighting but her body was done. It was completely shutting down. Ten hours later, while she stared at heaven above, I begged her to please let go. Let go and go see Jammer and Koko at Rainbow Bridge. Myself, my dad and my brother left the hospital, this time without her. It was devastating. We went home to break the news to the rest of the family. My daughter and I decided to get some fresh air and grab pizzas for everyone to eat. We looked out the front window after getting back into the car and saw this amazing, never before seen rainbow. We both smiled (and cried harder than ever) knowing with our heart body mind and soul that it was a sign from mom that she was at Rainbow Bridge with all of her beloved cats and dogs.